
We ensure your comfort.

At Tayber, we design and manufacture upholstered and convertible furniture in order to make your life more comfortable. With over 25 years of experience, we have control over the entire manufacturing process, from prototyping through all stages of production, to shipment to the distribution channel, offering a high degree of comfort and durability in our product.

Our main value is the human team. Behind it is the respect for almost three decades of work and tradition in the upholstered furniture industry, with the seal of quality of Yecla, where upholstery and furniture are part of the culture and local roots.

Effort, enthusiasm and arduous work, with primary focus on comfort and durability.

In 1996, Juanjo Martínez and Sonia Díaz founded Tayber Tapizados Convertibles in Yecla (Murcia), the birthplace of furniture. Today, thanks to all the professionals who are part of Tayber, we are one of the pioneering companies in the convertible upholstered furniture sector.

Sometimes, dreams come true, but for this to happen it usually takes a lot of effort and a lot of work. Today, almost three decades after our foundation, we are grateful to our customers and proud that our products have helped improve the lives of thousands of people in Spain, France, and Portugal.

The power of teamwork.


Our products are designed with the highest degree of comfort and maximum durability, regardless of whether they are intended for domestic use or the contract channel.

From the beginning, Tayber has distinguished itself by offering these two values as a premise, comfort and durability, and they are still the objective set in every strategic decision within the company.


Organization, teamwork and continuous improvement processes provide fluidity and performance to the gear that makes up all the people who are part of Tayber. A young team with high qualifications for each positions held and a company policy that places people as the driving force and main value.